How To Prepare For a Product Photoshoot

product photography - pixrdigital

Whether using a professional or Capturing your own Product photoshoot, these tips will help you stay prepared and capture great shots.


Take a look at the images in your photographer’s portfolio, or do some research online to start pulling together images that are similar to what you want to achieve. Obviously you don’t want to rip anyone off (please don’t just copy an image exactly!), but it’s a useful place to start.



This can be as simple or as in-depth as you like, but it’s very useful to have, whether you’re working with a photographer or not. You could even sketch out some of the shots if you have a specific idea in mind. Think about where the images will be used and what for, including group shots, and images for your social media profiles.



Ask your photographer what background options they already have, or order specific coloured paper/textured surfaces ahead of your shoot. Think about what you want to use as a base or background for your shot, or try incorporating your brand colours. As long as it doesn’t distract the eye from your product, it can really help to create the feel for the shot and echo what your product is all about.



Choosing the right props for your photographs can be tricky, but consider including items that help tell a story, or ones that inject a pop of colour. The more props you have to choose from during your photoshoot, the better. You can always choose to leave things out!



It might seem obvious, but make sure you have all your products ready. Do you need to show both sides of an invite? Make sure you’ve got two copies! Want a group shot where a product is repeated? Remember to have enough to hand… You get the point! Using your shot list, make sure you’ve got all the products you want photographing ready to go.


It’s important to get the most from your product photo shoot, so the more planning you do the better. If you’re stuck for ideas or unsure of where to find the right props, ask your photographer or speak to other people who can offer some advice.




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